Numerous individuals regularly consume carbonated or sugary beverages and acidic foods without realizing that these choices may be detrimental to their teeth, leaving them susceptible to tooth erosion. Tooth erosion is the deterioration of tooth structure caused by the weakening of dental enamel, the strongest substance in the human body. Dr. Sindledecker and Dr. Saltz emphasize that, in many instances, it’s not just what you eat and drink that matters but how you consume them.
Tooth erosion occurs when the acids present in the foods and beverages you consume, along with other contributing factors discussed later, weaken the enamel on your teeth. Dental enamel, the thin outer layer of hard tissue, maintains the tooth’s structure and shape. Weakened enamel exposes the underlying dentin, resulting in a yellow appearance of the teeth.
Several factors contribute to tooth erosion, including:
Tooth erosion may manifest in the following symptoms:
It’s crucial to be aware that dental problems, including tooth erosion, may not become visible or painful until they are advanced. Regular deep cleanings at Sindledecker Dentistry can help address overlooked areas, preventing potential issues from going unnoticed.