May 25, 2022

Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday in May, is a federal holiday that brings forth a vibrant display of fire truck sirens, baton twirlers, marching bands, patriotic tunes, and a sea of red, white, and blue American flags. This celebration, marked by town parades, serves as a poignant reminder of unity, community togetherness, and a time for remembrance.

Our team at Sindledecker Dentistry extends warm wishes to you and your family on this Memorial Day. Take a moment to reflect on the significance of the holiday, which originated as Decoration Day after the Civil War. While holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas remain constant, Memorial Day has evolved over time. In the 21st century, it represents more than just honoring those who sacrificed their lives in the Armed Forces.

Beyond placing flags at cemeteries and visiting national memorials, Memorial Day has become synonymous with family barbecues, pool parties, beach trips, blockbuster movies, long weekend getaways, and fireworks. It signals the unofficial start of summer, ushering in a season of warmth, outdoor events, and community gatherings.

Load up on potato salad and apple pie and join your neighbors for an annual barbecue – and yes, we do indulge in sweets like homemade apple pie, all in moderation. Whether you’re in Boca Raton or elsewhere, Happy Memorial Day to you and yours from Dr. Sindledecker and Dr. Saltz!

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