Staying active and engaged in winter sports is a fantastic way to keep fit despite the cold weather. Many of our favorite team activities shine during this season, but it’s crucial to remember to safeguard your teeth while participating in these sports.
Basketball Known for one of the highest rates of dental injuries, basketball involves intense movement on an unforgiving court, which can lead to tooth and jaw injuries. The nature of the game often results in players colliding and elbows flying.
Hockey Hockey is notorious for its impact on teeth due to the combination of sticks, ice, and fast-moving pucks. Given the penalties involving hooking, slashing, and tripping, additional protection is essential.
Skiing Speeding down snowy slopes in sports like skiing and snowboarding can pose risks to your mouth. Protecting your teeth becomes especially crucial in these winter activities.
Wrestling Close-quarters grappling in wrestling can inadvertently lead to injuries from contact with the mat or opponents.
Regardless of whether you participate in team sports or individual athletic activities, prioritizing safety while staying active is essential. We’re more than happy to discuss your mouthguard options for any sport throughout the year.